Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Mustard Time

Driving through the countryside here in Northern California at this point in time, you see vineyards filled with blooming mustard plants. It's a brilliant sight. Dickie and I drove past some fields this morning as we went to buy produce at a nearby market. Here's a picture I took last Sunday afternoon:

It was warm this morning. Something over 60° when we went for our morning walk. Everybody we met was talking about it. It was about 30 degrees warmer today than yesterday according to one of our neighbors. We stopped by the library on the way home from the market so Dickie could pick up a book and there were people sunning themselves out on the Village Green. Spring is definitely on the way, although there's little doubt we'll be having some more cooler weather before spring really gets here.


I had a difficult time of it with the distribution of my web page today. Apparently, the McAfee protection controls on my email were somehow marking it as "spam", maybe even "infected", as it left my computer, so most people who got the URL couldn't open it from the e-mail message, as they usually can. Hopefully, I can teach all my web page recipients to copy the URL from the e-mail message to the address line of their browser when they run into that problem. That's the best way to handle it. I tried re-sending several times, but even that didn't always work. I guess that's life!

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