The tsunami in Indonesia happened earlier in the year, but was one of the most devastating events. Our son-in-law, Christopher Szecsey, who is a consultant for "Save the Children" got involved in the restoration in that part of the world and spent several weeks out there toward the end of the year. The local news media caught up with him recently and featured him in print and television broadcasts. We're proud of him and the work he does. Here's what the local newspaper, the Press Democrat, put on their front page:
You can enlarge the picture and read the article by clicking here.
Click here for Page A11 of the article above.
Dickie and I had decided not to put up a Christmas tree this year, but, at the last minute we weakened, since we discovered that the Home Depot was practically giving their remaining trees away. The tree came out pretty well, too. Of course, you can't see all the needles that have fallen on the floor!:
Dickie's sister and her husband have been gifting me with Santa Clauses for the past few years, so now we have a real Christmas rogues' gallery of the red-suited fellow. Here they are, all ten years of them: Click here to enlarge the picture
Santa brought me another new camera lens for Christmas. It's a sharp macro lens that I've wanted for a while. Here's a picture that demonstrates what it can do. I caught one of our neighbors flying his model airplane on the local Little League field. It was a cloudy day, but the picture still looks quite sharp: Click here to enlarge the picture.
So now it's on to 2006. What will the New Year bring? Hopefully, better days, peace, good health and much joy for all of us! Happy New Year to all!