Wednesday, March 23, 2005


I've been playing around with my digital camera lately, trying to duplicate pictures I've seen in one place or another. With a fast shutter speed, you can catch a drop of water as it bounces "up" from a glass. Here's just such a picture. This happens almost too fast for the human eye to register, but the camera makes the catch:


How about that?

I have a number of parrot pictures that I think are cute. I snapped these two love-birds in a pet shop several moons ago. Don't know what the one is trying to tell the other, something like "I'm your humble servant" or "What's that under your bill?", I guess.


Would you believe that I'm still struggling with the writings of Ben Franklin? I started this book last December and I'm finally coming to the end. Lately I've been reading through his Poor Richard's Almanac material. Here's a tidbit from his wise sayings:

"One good Husband is worth two good Wives; for the scarcer things are the more they're valued".

That's enough for today. Have a good one!

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