Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I think I have the May Days' malaise, if there is such a thing. I know I should be making an entry in this blog of mine, but I can't seem to find anything worth saying. Sometimes, under those circumstances, it's better just not to say anything!

However, throwing caution to the winds, I'll make a stab at another blog today.

Dickie and I planted some tomatoes in a barrel in the backyard about two weeks ago now. They're coming along fine. Here's what they look like today:


Just for the fun of it, I'll put up a picture here with each new blog so you can see what green thumbs we have (or not!). They're supposed to bear fruit in about 62 days. Since we planted them on April 28, that means we could have tomatoes by June 28. We'll see!

Our climbing roses took a hit this spring. I think the frost got to them just as they were beginning to leaf out. They look like they're recovering now. The roses bloomed, as you can see in the background of the tomato picture above, but there were hardly any leaves at first. They're just beginning to leaf out again at this point.

We do have a pretty good stand of poppies in the back yard now from some seeds Dickie strewed a year or two ago. Poppies will grow anywhere in this part of the world. They multiply quickly, too. I think, if we let them, they'll take over the backyard. Here's what ours look like today:


I took some pictures of the moon in the early evening the other day. I like to see what kind of a picture I can get with my longest lens. This was in broad daylight. The moon is not quite full yet, but it's getting there (this coming Saturday). Here's what it looked like yesterday (May 9) at about 7:10 P.M.:


Until recently, I had never seen a drawf frog, and I still don't know anything about them, but I did get some pictures of one last Sunday out at the ocean side. This one was hopping around on the deck of a house we were visiting in Dillon Beach. My daughter, Mary, furnished the fingers:

Speaking of dwarves, the hummingbirds that usually visit our backyard have not showed up recently. We're not sure what happened. The hummingbirds are still around. We know that. This fellow was sitting in the top of a tree we passed on our morning walk the other day:


Guess that's enough for today. We're enjoying the beautiful spring weather. It's great to sit outside and bask in the sunshine. Here's us doing just that:

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